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BS-04-JYP Biosharp 进样瓶盖/一字预切口螺纹开口盖
BS-01-JYP Biosharp 2ml棕色玻璃进样瓶(不含盖)
BS-02-JYP Biosharp 2ml白色玻璃进样瓶(不含盖)
BS-03-JYP Biosharp 进样瓶盖/白色特氟龙螺纹蓝盖
VT000.1038971 VITLAB 样品瓶, PFA, with screw cap, PFA
VT000.1037979 VITLAB 样品瓶, PFA, with stopper
VT000.130597 VITLAB 样品容器, PFA, with screw cap, PFA
VT000.130594 VITLAB 样品容器, PP, with screw cap, PP
VT000.130497 VITLAB 样品容器, PFA, with screw cap, PFA
VT000.130494 VITLAB 样品容器, PP, with screw cap, PP
VT000.130397 VITLAB 样品容器, PFA, with screw cap, PFA
VT000.130394 VITLAB 样品容器, PP, with screw cap, PP
专业包装 正品保障
急速物流  安全配送
品类齐全  轻松购物